Jouni Valkonen <> wrote:

> > Yup, stirring is the problem. You need to stir vigorously with a stick or
> > something like a Dremel tool with a paint mixer attached. (Like a giant
> > eggbeater.)
> >
> That is untrue, it is not a problem. It really does not need much
> efforts to stir 10 kg water . . .

Did you do this test? I have done it, and in my experience mixing is a
problem. You need to mix it more vigorously than the person did in this

Even if this is a problem, steam sparge test can also be done with 2 kg
> cool water that is easier to stir.

I do not think that would be enough volume of water to condense all the
steam. The steam escape from the water.

> Even better if they have freezer available, then sparging test can be done
> with 1-2 kg -18°C ice.

That would involve a phase change, which complicates matters.

- Jed

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