Man on Bridges <> wrote:

> Statistically each Ecat has it's own independent chance of explosion at any
> given moment which does not change over time.

I believe that is incorrect. Boiler explosions are caused by the overall
temperatures and pressures of the machine. When a machine made up of several
different components -- such as tube boiler or a fission reactor -- the
components influence one another. The Fukushima reactor meltdown not caused
by one fuel rod uncovered that became too hot. It was caused by all of them
uncovered simultaneously. In the Rossi 1 MW reactor, the units are
connected. I think they are in series as well as in parallel, which means
that hot water or steam will go from one will go to the next, and one will
influence the next.

I think it would be extremely ill-advised to run this 1 MW unit without
first subjecting the individual units to thousands of hours of individual
testing at many different laboratories, in national laboratories and
corporations. Some experts have told me they feel this reactor as configured
is very dangerous. I see no point whatever to running it.

Ed Storms suggested to me that Rossi may be having some difficulty
coordinating individual reactors to make them work together as a group, and
that his purpose is to show that he can do this. If Storms is right, and
coordinating them is challenging, I think Rossi should leave this job to
someone else. I am certain that experts at corporations such as Mitsubishi
or General Electric can solve this problem. No matter how difficult it may
be, it is trivial compared to the original problem of inventing the reactor.
It is absurd for Rossi to spend his time solving a problem like this,
because this is "merely a matter of engineering" -- meaning many other
experts in the world can solve this.

What he is doing is similar to what the Wright brothers did from 1906 to
1908. They stopped flying airplanes, stopped designing new ones, and
concentrated mainly on building better internal combustion engines instead.
They were quite good at this. The engines they came up with were among the
best around for aviation, with high ratios of power to weight. But there
were thousands of experts of internal combustion engines who were better
qualified than Wrights, and who could have done a better job. They did do a
better job after 1908. In 1906, the Wrights knew *far* more about
aerodynamics and the physics of flight than anyone else in the world. They
should have concentrated on what they knew best, leaving other details to
other experts. It was a waste of time for them to work on engines at that
stage in the development.

- Jed

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