It takes time to check your calculation. I can confirm one thing and that is
that the eastern location of OPERA relative CERN makes the beam to travel
longer, not shorter, than the distance measured on earth. I was wrong in my
first calculation


David Jonsson, Sweden, phone callto:+46703000370

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 7:47 PM, Horace Heffner <>wrote:

> Hopefully this one is correct.  Sorry for the multiple posts on this.  I am
> surprised and happy to see the archives now save and show  jpgs.
> On Sep 30, 2011, at 11:16 AM, David Jonsson wrote:
> I made a calculation in an inertial system and found that the CERN-OPERA
> neutrino speed was by some percent due to the rotation of the Earth around
> its own axis. Do you agree that the calculation should be made in a non
> rotating system? By the time CERN sends and OPERA receives the Earth
> rotation makes OPERA to come a bit closer. How many of you agree or disagree
> with this?
> Silvertooth, Bryan G. Wallace, GPS and laser gyroscopes also supports this
> view. It is not suitable to apply the principle of relativity in a non
> inertial rotating frame.
> David
> David Jonsson, Sweden, phone callto:+46703000370
> The OPERA experiment neutrino beam is directed from CERN, 46°14'N   6° 3'E,
>  to  Gran Sasso LNGS lab,  42°25'N  13°31'E.  The geometry of this is shown
> in Fig.1, in OPERA.jpg, attached.
> Point C is CERN, the neutrino origin.  Point S is San Sasso at the time of
> neutrino departure.  Since San Sasso is east of CERN, the earth rotates
> away, eastward,  from CERN during the time of flight of the neutrino.  This
> makes the distance *longer* than would be estimated by distance between
> geodetic coordinates.  The neutrino arrives at the new San Sasso location
> S', which is eastward from S by distance d.  Only the neutrinos initially
> aimed at point S' arrive there.
> Assume the distance C to S is 730 km stated in the Adam et al. OPERA
> article.  Assume point B to be 730 km from point C on the line from C to S'.
>  The neutrino thus has to travel the additional distance x from B to S' due
> to the eastward motion of the earth during its time of flight.
> Let point A be the point due south of CERN and due wet of San Sasso, i.e.
> at 42°25'N, 6°3' E.  The distance C to A s then about 404 km, and A to S 608
> km.  The angle of the direction of CERN from due wast as seen from San Sasso
> is thus roughly ATAN(404/608) = 33.6°.
> The earth's radius if 6371 km.  San Sasso is located at latitude 42.42°N.
>  Its radius of rotations is thus cos(42.4)*(6371 km) = 4720 km. Its speed of
> rotation is thus 2*Pi*(4720 km)/(24 hr) = 343 m/s.
> The speed of CERN due to earth's rotation is 2*Pi*cos(46.2°)* (6371 km)/(24
> hr) = 321 m/s.  The 22 m/s speed difference between CERN and San Sasso is
> not enough to relativistically affect the measurements, especially given the
> extreme effort put into clock synchronization and geodetic coordinate
> location.  The relative motion however,  is enough.  A non-rotating linear
> motion approximation is sufficient to approximate the expected effect.
> Light travels 730 km in (730 km)/(3x10^8 m/s) = 2.435x10^-3 s.  In that
> time San Sasso moves d = (2.435x10^-3 s) * (343 m/s) = 0.835 m eastward. The
> distance x added to the travel can thus be approximated as x = cos(33.6°) *
> d = 0.833 * (0.853 m)  = 0.71 m.  The travel time of the neutrinos should be
> increased by (0.71 m)/(3x10^8 m/s) = 2.36x10^-9 s = 2.36 ns. The neutrinos
> were observed arriving 60.7 ns early.  This extra 0.71 m, 2.36 ns, had it
> not been taken into account, would have made the neutrino arrival time 60.7
> ns + 2.4 ns = 63.1 ns early vs speed of light.
> Failure to account for earth's rotation thus provides approximately a
> 2.4/60.7 = 4 % error.  However, this error is in a direction which makes the
> anomaly even greater.
> Best regards,
> Horace Heffner


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