>From Peter:

> and make your own predictions if you dare or
> it makes fun for you

A good dare, Peter! ;-)

I think it would be foolish of me to predict. I can only share a personal
opinion of my own, an opinion that in the end may turn out to be inaccurate.
IMO, because of the caliber of certain individuals who have personally
witnessed prior demonstrations and who appear to have come to the conclusion
that there is something going on, I too, suspect the distinct possibility
that there is something substantial going on inside Rossi's eCats - this
regardless of the fact that the contraptions occasionally behave
capriciously. (It's like herding eCats!) I continue to suspect that there is
something substantial, substantial enuf to be eventually commercialized. I
don't know how long it may take to properly commercialize this little
understood technology. I suspect the current timetable (1st quarter of 2012)
is too ambitious. I suspect additional R&D and proper funding... perhaps a
LOT more funding may be necessary 

I hope the anticipated Oct 6 demo is of a caliber that produces additional
convincing data, but that remains to be seen.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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