This has stressed my patience too much and exceeded my deadline.
I wait now until Rossi presents a real live demonstration that cannot been discussed.

I would expect something like this:

All my rooms are heated by a 10 kW gasboiler.
The water inflow to my 5 radiators is currently 60°.
The backflow is 30°.
It runs only part-time, because it stops, when the adjusted room temperature is reached.

Now, install these radiators in free air and measure the water flow and the delta_th and absolute temperatures and log them. Let it run non-stop for 24 hours. This would be a practical real life experiment and the result would not need much interpretation and discussion. Anybody who is not convinced by unclear calculations and measurements could go to the radiators, touch them and feel the heat.

I think Rossis plumber should know, how to set this arrangement up within one day.
These guys do this as a business day by day.


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