Does Stremmenos not longer belong to Defkalion?
He was vice president and chief scientist some time ago..

Am 11.10.2011 23:08, schrieb Jed Rothwell:
Good grief!

Here is Google translation:

Christos Stremmenos
October 11th, 2011 at 11:32 AM
By chance I learned of the release of the GT SA Defkalion (Athens 11.10.10) and I feel a moral obligation to act in faith to my convictions have already been made public at the time .. I supported and still support, the impassability of the following values: scientific truth and Its contribution anthropocentric, ... the values of culture, democracy, human civilization as it Develops and Environmental Health, ... ... my home country, Greece is not in Parochial , but diachronically as a figure, bearing the above values. Megalomaniac is presumptuous of this press Defkalion GT SA ...!., Harms not only its image, but in my opinion with obvious inaccuracies, it also damages the cause of the prospect for a new energy ... err, especially for Greece economically needy . My speech is not only moralizing but also an attempt to stem the celebrations communicative Defkalion GT SA, because I feel personally responsible, both for the transfer of technology Rossi in Greece for the existence of Defcalion same instrument ... implementation failure ...!. I affirm the following: 1. You can not develop a technology if you do not know the heart in which it is based. 2. Failure to comply with the contract for financial reasons prevented him from having access to the crucial element is the invention of Rossi. 3. The alleged engineering concerns, perhaps, the exploitation of energy from some old oil lamp .... or similar sources ... Seriously, sketches with the computer without a scientific basis and years of experience in the field, can not sustain the claim of "Advanced Technology and Engineering of the invention or inventions like ... Red! .." 4. The aluminum fins in a heat exchanger, can not be a trade secret of Defkalion ...!., The plumbers have invented many years ago ...!. So unfair to blame Rossi for the improper use public demonstration of these fins Aluminum ... ... WE ARE SERIOUS! .. I could go on the list of inaccuracies scientific / technological knowledge and experience, recognizing certain subject tiring but clumsy attempts to Defkalion in the economic / business to be discussed later: • Prepared business models for expanding international Defkalion NOT HAD ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO THE INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT, THE OUTSIDE OF GREECE AND THE BALKANS, SO HE HAS MADE AGREEMENTS OUTSIDE THE BALKANS AND GREECE HAVE DONE WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION AND ABUSIVE • Prepared the legislative procedures and certification: HOW TO HAVE PREPARED FA Defkalion LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURES FOR CERTIFICATION OF PRODUCTS, HE HAS NEVER HAD ANY tidings THE PRODUCT, WHICH DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE FINANCIAL TERMS OF THE CONTRACT? CERTIFICATE HAS A UFO? • Ensured a national, regional and international politics and business: Defkalion WOULD HAVE (IF YOU HAD TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE FINANCIAL AGREEMENT) THE EXCLUSIVE ONLY FOR GREECE AND THE BALKANS • Prepared overall funding: THIS 'COMEDY: THE REASON FOR WHICH THE CONTRACT BETWEEN Defkalion AND RED AND' STATE IS YOUR CANCELLED inability 'Defkalion TO OBTAIN THE NECESSARY FINANCIAL RESOURCES. In conclusion I would like to emphasize Defkalion THAT IS NOT GREECE .... Nor A. Xanthulis and its imaginative communication consultants .. . I can assure you that there is also good ... the disabled in this society.

Now, answering the question of why Greece became of the use of this green revolutionary technology and why it was chosen to be leader in business (Grecia e Balcani) but hopefully also in research and technology in this field, let me note three basic reasons:

Our country has no primary energy sources except for lignite and hydroelectric energy. All other means of energy, especially the renewable, rely on imported technology, which reflects greatly on the cost of them.

The current Political Leadership of the Country was always sensitive to innovation, especially in the field of green energy growth. The current political leadership was aware since 2004 of this technology, the reports of the progress of this scientific field were expected with great interest and hope that someday there might be some practical application of this technology.

In our country can exist Businessmen with courage and bravery, but also with a high patriotic sense of responsibility, ready to risk and invest in such an important technology. It is not about what we will gain from this Homeland, but what we are ready to offer to our country, especially in these difficult times!

Therefore, it was quite easy two years ago ,to convince my friends and long-time working on the LENR, Rossi and Focardi that -based on the above prerequisites- they should consider Greece as a interesting point for the development of this technology. Naturally, the cultural aspect played also its role; the ancient Greeks still work for us!

Christos E. Stremmenos
Professore dell’Università di Bologna (in pensione)
Già Ambasciatore di Grecia in Italia

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