Rossi seems to be over-estimating pump output (again), the pump can do a
maximum of 12l/hr (100Hz, 2ml per stroke) as per the spec sheet:

On 12 October 2011 07:18, Horace Heffner <> wrote:

> My review of the Rossi 7 Oct 2011 experiment has been updated.
> Also, the following sections were added:
> The Lewan report  says: "The E-cat model used in this test was enclosed in
> a casing measuring about 50 x 60 x 35 centimeters."  These appear to be
> external measurements with wrapping, etc.
> "After cooling down the E-cat, the insulation was eliminated and the casing
> was opened. Inside the casing metal flanges of a heat exchanger could be
> seen, an object measuring about 30 x 30 x 30 centimeters. The rest of the
> volume was empty space where water could be heated, entering through a valve
> at the bottom, and with a valve at the top where steam could come out. "
> This gives an external volume of (50 x 60 x 35) cm^3 = 105000 cm^3 = 105
> liters. The heat exchanger etc. is (30 x 30 x 30) cm^3 = 27 liters. This
> should give an internal volume of 105 liters - 27 liters = 78 liters.  The
> disagrees with Rossi’s prior statements.
> Rossi states: “The volume free for the water is about 30 liters, so that to
> fill up it are necessary about 2 hours ( the pump of the primary circuit
> pumps about 15 liters per hour), but, as a matter of fact, the water begins
> to evaporate before the box is full of water, so usually the “Effect” of the
> reactor starts before 2 hours.”
> Using the photo in the NyTeknik report, an estimate of internal dimensions
> can be made.  The width of the finned structure is 134 pixels, giving in
> that line 134 px/(30 cm) = 4.467 pix/cm. The box width on that line is 209
> pix, giving a true dimension of (209 px)/(4.467 px/m) = 46.8 cm. The length
> of the finned structure is 253 px, giving in that line (253 px)/(30 cm) =
> 8.43 px/cm.  The inside length of the box is 376 px, giving a true length of
> 44.6 cm.  The lip appears to be 35 px/(4.467 px/cm) = 7.8 cm wide.  Judging
> from the lip width, the top of the finned structure appears to be about 4 cm
> below the lid.
> The gross inner volume of the box is (44.6 cm x 46.8 cm x 34 cm) = 71
> liters.
> The gross volume of the finned structure is (30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm) = 27
> liters.
> It looks like about (1/9)*30 cm = 3.3 cm is cooling fins.  About 50% of the
> 3.3 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm = 3 liters should be water, giving a total finned
> structure volume of 27 liters - 3 liters = 24 liters.
> The net water occupiable volume of the box is thus 71 liters - 27 liters =
> 44 liters.
> The prior similar E-cat weighed in at 85 kg.  The current E-cat weighed 95
> kg before water was added.
> The extreme instability of Pout begins at about 169 minutes into the run.
>  If we assume this means percolator effects begin then the device should be
> almost full.  It should contain close to 44 liters of water.   The flow rate
> to accomplish this is (44 liters)/(169 minutes) = 4.34 ml/s or 15 liters per
> hour.  This is a familiar number as a pump limit, but not as the primary
> circuit flow rate.  Percolator effects could happen at a lesser volume if
> ripples are made in the water level .
> If the stated water volume of 30 liters is correct then the flow rate to
> accomplish percolator effects is (30 liters)/(169 minutes) = 3 ml/s or 10.7
> liters per hour. This is not consistent with the flow rate 1.5 ml/sec, or
> 5.4 liters per hour estimated earlier.  Note that if this flow rate is
> correct then the stored energy calulated in prior sections is reduced. It is
> also true that more iron could be used to increase the thermal capacity, and
> space for such is available.  The numbers provided here are only for concept
> checking.  A sophisitcated model and knowledge of actual measurements is
> needed for an accurate consistency check.  Unfortuantely measurement of flow
> rate into the E-cat was not made, even though a water meter was in the
> circuit.
> Best regards,
> Horace Heffner

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