On Oct 11, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Horace Heffner wrote:

Does anyone know what units are displayed on the odometer type display and sweep hands on the water meters used?

It says m^3 on the face, and the dials have x0.1, x 0.01, x0.001 and one with a value I can't read but assume is x0.0001.

MoB has kindly confirmed the values on the dials, based on his water meter. This means the x0.0001 dial registers 0.1 liter increments. This I confirmed by looking at time 0:57 to 0:59 in the video:


You can see the 0.1 liter sweep hand going very fast. In the two seconds it moved from 0 to 0.5 liters, giving a flow rate of very approximately 0.25 liters/sec = 15 liters/min. A bit fast based on the given average of 10.7 liters/min!

This means the flow meters are excellent for this purpose. Maybe they weren't read because it is difficult? Time stamped digital photos taken periodically might be a good idea. Reading the sweep hands can then be done later.

Interesting. The secondary circuit flow meter can be read at the end of the test here:


I read the meter as 13.1403 m^3, or 1314.3 liters. Given the test lasted 526 minutes that is 1314.3 liter/(536 min.) = 2.45 liters/min = 0.0409 liters per second = 40.9 ml/s.

Strange. The secondary flow rate was given as 178 ml/s, or 10.7 liters/min. In 526 minutes that would be 5628 liters, or 5.62 m^3. It appears the meter began the test at 7.25 m^3.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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