Thanks for the work David,  a few questions:
-It appears you are assuming the accuracy of the data from the secondary
thermocouple (excepting a simple 0.8°C offset) and that there was no water
in the reactor at the start (11:00) when the pump was turned on.  Do you
think it unlikely that the secondary outlet thermocouple error changed with
the rate of steam flow through the primary given it's poor placement?

-Have you used any of the videos to estimate primary water flow rate, or
check for variation?  The noisy pump delivers maximum of 2ml/stroke, and I
believe this drops at higher pressure (pump rated for max 1.5bar).

-How do you explain the temperature variation in the reactor once it gets
above 100°C, and in particular the fact that highest temp doesn't correlate
with greatest power?  Do you think the steam is being superheated?  Normally
when a fluid's temp is raised above ambient pressure it will rapidly boils
off to drop it's temperature to ambient again, do you think there was some
sort of variable flow restriction in the outlet from the reactor to prevent

On 18 October 2011 03:48, David Roberson <> wrote:

>  I am attaching an Excel simulation which uses the power measured via the
> secondary water path of the heat exchanger to estimate the primary vapor
> flow.  With this information it is possible to estimate the water mass in
> grams remaining within the ECAT as it responds to water pump input flow and
> vapor escape.
> There are two adjustable variables: Correction Factor for the thermocouple
> error in the secondary; and, water flow rate into the ECAT in grams per
> second.
> There are two types of charts to view.  One shows the water remaining
> within the ECAT in grams as a function of time.  The second displays the
> total vapor flow out of the ECAT at any chosen time.
> The information contained demonstrates that the ECAT should not overflow
> under normal operational conditions.  Of course this is based upon
> assumptions which may need adjustments.
> This is my first post to the vortex and I have my fingers crossed.
> Dave

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