On 11-10-18 04:13 PM, pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:
George Miley (U. of Illinois) recent published a Powerpoint presentation
(dated Oct-3-2011 on Google) entitled

"Nuclear Battery Using D-Clusters in Nano-materials ---
plus some comments about prior H2-Ni power cell studies"

at the following URL:

Apparently*he has been successfully replicating the Patterson cell

That would be fantastic news if it were true. However, I don't see it in that set of slides -- in fact, it appears that Miley's recent results haven't come within an order of magnitude of the heat generated in the Patterson cells. I'd say, rather, he has been *attempting* to replicate the Patterson cell results, with moderately positive results. So the key to duplicating Patterson's results remains lost.

Did I miss something?

Slide 8, regarding the old Patterson cells, and Miley's current work says: "My sputter coating technique achieves better control ... -- however the excess heat is cut by an order of magnitude"

Slide 9, regarding the Patterson cells: "Excess heats of 1-2 kW were consistently produced ... Light water and NI should not produce a reaction!!" This is a lead-in to some theoretical discussion, but there's no indication that he's been able to come anywhere near Patterson's old result.

Most of the presentation seemed to consist of a mass spec analysis of reaction products, with little discussion of heat production. The latter seems to have been modest at best.

Again, did I miss something?

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