----- Original Nachricht ----
Von:     Michele Comitini <michele.comit...@gmail.com>
An:      vortex-l@eskimo.com
Datum:   20.10.2011 01:17
Betreff: [Vo]:ecat.com video interview with Stremmenos

> http://ecat.com
> or
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NuNNicWV6k&feature=player_embedded
Stremmenos thinks -like Focardi-  the catalyzer might be a chemical substance 
that makes atomic hydrogen from molecular hydrogen. Which substances could do 
this? I have absolutely no idea.

I would think about high voltage electricity. This makes isolated protons, and 
also electrical sparks are a simple way to concentrate high energys to a small 
point in space and time.

> p.s. www.e-cat.com now goes to google/green is this a joke or what???
e-cat.com pointed to exxon some time ago. Probably they registered it for the 
"Exxon mobile citizen action team" and have now sold it. Just a thought, I dont 
know facts.

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