Probably "The CE for the business to business has been done"
has to be translated as "we think about how we could obtain this document"

An other fairy tale for adults (except the identity of the very shy
Customer) is this:

We give an extended warranty for 20000 (twenty thousand) hours of operation.
(published yesterday)

On what basis can you predict this?

If many such statements will appear, I will cease to believe ad litteram
everything Rossi claims


On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 6:41 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <> wrote:

> From Peter:
> > How can you obtain a CE certification for a product
> > just assembled, not tested thoroughly, based on an unknown
> > reaction, not characterized- singular?
> > Bureaucracy has its raison d'etre.
> Methinks Rossi has some X'plaing to do.
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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