> From: Harry Veeder

> Nothing about us, without us!
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UjZyjFMUC8
> "water...education..air...free energy..."

...And they just tear gassed Occupy Wall Street demonstrations held in


I saw inklings of this kind of discontent during the anti Wisconsin governor
Scott Walker demonstrations held in Wisconsin earlier this year. I
personally felt transported back to the 1960s, as did many other old farts,
like me. Earlier this year many assumed the anti Scott Walker protests must
only be local phenomenon... just a bunch of disgruntled state employees plus
a few outside rabble rousers and "union thugs" trying to stir up the crowds,
or so the pro Scott Walker crowd claimed, including Sarah Palin ("Union

Not anymore. The genesis of that so-called local discontent are now
spreading across the entire nation.

We are living through interesting times. Interesting sociological events
like: possibly cheap new energy sources, and how that will change the
political power base of nations... Radical changes in government policy will
have to be addressed. People are frightened, particularly the conservative
base which is always terrified of "change" - give me that good ol time
religion while not realizing how foolish such fantasies are. Fortunately, I
suspect the rest of the population gets it, more or less. The protests the
"goals" are still a little unfocused, but they are getting there.

As previously stated, the Occupy Wall Street movement reminds me of the
1960s, the counter-culture, and the all the protests and riots that revolved
around the Vietnam War disaster. The senselessness of it all. As always, it
took rabble rousers... particularly protestors marching in the streets and
weathering the indignity of tear gas and other humiliations to get the
nation to eventually recognize the insanity of the government policy of that

Is history about to repeat itself? Looks very likely to me. This will take
years to unfold. Sanity will eventually prevail, but it will take time,
hardship, and a lot of discussion, debate, and national soul searching.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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