Yikes. This kind of confirms what I heard. I fear this may mean we will not
find out who did this test or whether they are independent. I don't want to
jump to conclusions but this sounds bad:



I just got back from my turn. I was able to shoot a few pictures and take
some video. The reason for the embargo on taking photos was personnel
reasons. They don't want the engineers and testers to be shown, to keep them
confidential. The company doing the testing does not wish to be known at
this time.

A quick comment from the AP writer who is here. The lack of coverage from
the mainstream media is not due to lack of interest but from the lack of
cooperation from Andrea Rossi. He has turned a lot of media away who have
wanted to come in. The AP writer has gained Rossi's trust over time, and
hence was invited to be here today.

Rossi will be sending us all the data this evening.

Wish I could say more, but it will have to wait. Great day so far.

-- SilverThunder 05:42, 28 October 2011 (PDT)


It says "Rossi will be sending us the data." From where? Whose data? Whose
instruments? Has anyone confirmed it independently? I hope this is not what
it sounds like.

I hope that the results are definitive in a way that be confirmed without
instrumentation, just by observation. That was true of the October 6 test.
Of course it would be *far better* to have proper independent instruments.

- Jed

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