I am of the contrarian opinion; for an American, this is the very best of
news. If the customer is a military organization (the US Navy), the
security apparatus of the associated country (the US) is now available in
all its varied and potent forms both known and clandestine to protect the
Rossi technology.

Recall from the recent past how the United States Air Force protected the
F-117 Stealth Fighter and B-2 Stealth Bomber technology with a cunning
decade’s long campaign of disinformation and obfuscation:

Spy and stealth planes--many with bizarre, bat-shaped wings, others with
triangular silhouettes that inspire otherworldly designs in the minds of
the general public--have long been cultivated by the military: the defense
intelligence agency and the CIA.

UFO sightings and lore and their official denials, feed rumors that the
government isn't telling us about alien ships. The CIA estimates that over
half of the UFOs reported from the '50s through the '60s were U-2 and SR-71
spy planes.

 At the time, the Air Force misled the public and the media to protect
these Cold War programs; it's possible the government's responses to
current sightings of classified craft--whether manned or remotely
operated--are equally evasive. The result is an ongoing source of UFO
reports and conspiracy theories. The armadas of secret Earth-built Air
Force craft that have likely have lit up 911 switchboards over the years
remain largely unknown in the minds and lives of the general public.

Cold fusion is the ideal framework for a similar campaign of disinformation
as a cover for advance Ni-H powered weapons systems.

 Rossi will quietly fade from the scene; while the US government paints
anyone that believes that cold fusion is real as a kook, not only to
protect defense secrets but to maintain the economic continuity of the
fossil fuel economy that has served the US so well from disruptive

 In a few decades, when the oil is much depleted and the natural gas from
US shale deposits are petered out, cold fusion will emerge from the shadows
of the skunk-works defense labs to continue the hegemony of the US and its
oil producing allies.

 For all of us who own substantial holdings of oil and gas stocks, this is
good news…the best. We can anticipate continued lucrative distributions of
dividends into the indeterminate future with no prospect of disruptions or

On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  > The Customer is of a category that usually maintains secret all they
>> do. . . .
>>  A skeptic forum member elsewhere predicted those words almost verbatim.
> Not hard to predict. Rossi said that before the test. It may not be true,
> but that is what he claimed all along.
> - Jed

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