The title of this thread, asserting that there may be press suppression,
seems llike nonsense to me. No major mass media this paper will report this
kind of event. What are they going to say? "An engineer from an unknown
company made a claim that no scientist or engineer would believe, without
providing any proof and without letting any independent observers verify
the facts." The mass media is doing us a big favor by not reporting this.
It is an embarrassment.

Unless you know a great deal about cold fusion and Rossi you will not
believe a word of this. Our resident skeptics are perfectly justified in
not believing any of this. I only object to their messages because they are
making up frivolous reasons to disbelieve, instead of simply pointing out
the undeniable weaknesses. And because they seem to think the rest of us do
not realize this could easily be a scam. That is annoying.

I personally do not think it is a scam, but of course I see why other
people legitimately think it is.

- Jed

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