Peter Heckert <> wrote:

> Rossi is overworked and unable to explain the simplest facts correctly.

In all seriousness, that is true. It is important aspect of his personality.

I do not think it is because he is overworked. I think he is just not good
at explaining things. That is no reflection on his intellect. It does not
detract from his achievements. Many famous inventive people have had great
difficulty explaining themselves, such as Harrison and Arata.

Rossi is also careless and he gets facts wrong. He does not care about
details. He REALLY does not care about details, to an extent that most of
us find pathological. Take his webpage. He has a board of advisors listed
including a professor who does not exist and probably never did. I told him
the guy does not exist then he said something like: "Well the name is
something like that. I don't recall. What difference does it make?" He said
the same thing with regard to his fake PhD from the diploma mill. He said:
"someone gave me that; I don't know anything about it." As if we were
talking about a vase on the shelf.

He really, truly, sincerely does not give a fart about public relations or
the fact that his web site features absurd statements. I suggested he take
that stuff off his website because it gives a bad impression. He said he
doesn't care about impressions and he does not want to bother to clean up
the website. Not worth the trouble. It isn't as if he is lazy. He works 14
hours a day and only eats one meal a day in order to have more time to work
and think.

He lives in his own world, doing things his own way. People think he is
lying when he's just describing what is in his imagination, which I believe
is as real to him as the so-called real world. I would not call it "lying"
because he makes no attempt to deceive anyone. He knows that anyone can
check the fake PhD. It is what you might call a hypothetical PhD, one
proposed for the sake of argument. Scientists and programmers often talk
about hypotheticals and the future as if it were the present, already
accomplished. Some of them live in a dream world. Ordinary people would say
they are lying.

It is said that Steve Jobs had a "reality distortion field." When people
worked with him or talked with him they began to believe his crazy notions,
in some cases converting those notions into reality. Rossi also has a
reality distortion field but it only works on him. The rest of us do not
see what he sees. He too sometimes converts crazy notions into reality, but
he does it by inventing things. His inventions are infinitely more
important than those of Steve Jobs, so we should cut him some slack.

One of the many ironic things about Rossi is how often people ascribe to
him personality qualities which are the opposite of the way he is. He is
said to be a master manipulator of people and a superb confidence man.
Where does anyone get that idea?!? I have never met someone who inspires
less confidence! He makes legitimate businessman sweat in fear while they
look for an excuse to bolt for the door.

Krivit calls him "strategic, articulate, charming." Good grief! What
strategy?!? It looks like chaos to me, shifting from a deal with Defkalion
one month to selling reactors the next. Articulate? He cannot express a
simple, conventional technical concept without inducing confusion.
Charming? He is one of the least charming people I have encountered. He is
sweet at times, but he aggravates everyone I know -- especially his friends.

The ability to constantly shift your plans and change your mind is vital to
the kind of intuitive, hands-on experimental work that Rossi does, or to an
artist or fiction writer, but it makes interacting with other people

Rossi has many outstanding qualities, and many faults too, but he does not
have a single one of the qualities ascribed to him by Krivit or Heckert.
Perhaps Rossi is in some sense a mirror to us. He is so confusing and so
unexpected, we project our own fears and hopes in him. We end up seeing and
him whenever we want to see, or whatever we fear.

Whatever else he is, he is like the fellow in the beer commercial: the most
interesting man in the world.

- Jed

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