You gave me a clear understanding about Krivit's errors in his descriptions
of Rossi and his huge demo -- thanks.

I support public honesty about one's own explorations, handicaps, setbacks,
failings, failures, previous stages of development, regrets, lessons hard
and slowly learned, and positive talents that still are not highly valued
in current modern technological world culture -- many handicaps and talents
of emotional sensitivity, language, intuition, artistic, concentration,
memory  -- I am glad to see so much of my own life in yours -- I support
compassion, gentleness, tolerance, forgiveness, tact, positive good humor,
persistent respect, support, encouragement, appreciation, praise,
gratitude, blessing, forgiveness -- towards all others without exception,
with reticence about criticizing others -- our shared process of evolution
is indeed intimately, radically intertwined, as each is all of single
entire unified creative fractal hyperinfinity.

No situation can be accurately described, assessed, communicated,
predicted, or predicted.

No such thing as evidence can exist in forever timelessly radically
spontaneous dreams.

There can be and is not ever any such thing as a normal situation,
individual, or process.

It is a remarkable achievement to find ourselves evolving within a shared
arbitrary virtual reality simulation that seems to us, lost within it,
unavoidably body based, within a convincing 3D setting with one-way linear
flow of causality, where sentient beings suffer.

We are indeed such stuff as dreams are made of...

Everyone is family.

Graduating from the simulation is the only final outcome for everyone
without exception, because there is only one REAL.

within mutual service, Rich Murray

On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 7:33 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

> When I read accounts about Rossi's quirky behavior, his alleged faults and
> past transgressions, I immediately find myself thinking of a few faults of
> my own.****
> ** **
> There by the grace of god go I.****
> ** **
> For example, my own command of the English language, my speech can
> occasionally be filled with halting pauses – and keep in mind the fact that
> English is my primary language. I used to stutter all the time when I was a
> small child. Who knows why. I sort of grew out of it, but not entirely.
> Now, I just tend to pause when I'm having a moment of difficulty trying to
> articulate something that feels, for whatever reason, overwhelmingly
> complex to verbalize. Needless to say, the "gift" of oration as practiced
> in front of others is probably not one of my strong suits. Neither is my
> capacity to learn and speak a foreign language. My grasp of Spanish is
> abysmal, even after having lived three years in El Salvador and going to a
> bi-lingual school.****
> ** **
> Earlier in my life, particularly in my 20s and 30s, I had my share of
> emotional issues to work through. Like who didn't! I felt vulnerable, lost,
> and terribly isolated. Misunderstood. Like many troubled youth, sometimes
> in my desperation I seemed to wander aimlessly into paths of self
> destruction. At times, I sought counsel. But most of the time I simply had
> to muddle as best as I could through a plethora of angst of my own making.
> Shit happened to me. Actually, shit happens to all of us on this planet, so
> why should I take my own "shit" personally. When I started realize the fact
> that it might be a good idea not to take my own "shit" so personally... so
> self-indulgently, it would seem that a great burden had been lifted from my
> shoulders.****
> ** **
> OTOH, some of my stronger points are that I'm an artist, a composer of
> music, and a computer programmer. I have a decent grasp of math, algebra
> and trigonometry. (but not calculus!) I've always loved science and science
> fiction. Despite possessing a mild form of dyslexia all my life I've forced
> myself to write on a regular basis in order to better express my thoughts.
> By profession I have been a Project Leader of Information Systems for the
> State of Wisconsin. I have made most of my living performing the work of
> computer programmer and as a PL. ****
> ** **
> Curiously, I noticed that very early on in my professional computer career
> the intuitive/artistic aspects of my nature started to influence the way I
> assembled complex computer programs and systems. Decades later, that same
> kind of intuition continues to influence my efforts to develop complex
> computer simulations, such as in the field of celestial mechanics. Without
> a sense of intuition I firmly believe that my grasp of computer logic alone
> would not have been sufficient write any kind of useful code and ferret out
> unexpected surprises.****
> ** **
> Now, many might be asking themselves, why the hell am I incessantly
> blathering on about my past faults and achievements. Isn't this subject
> thread 'sposed about Krivit and Rossi? Please humor me for a spell longer.
> ****
> ** **
> Krivit goes on to conclude in his blog:****
> ** **
> > “Rossi is a convicted [criminal guilty of] serial fraud. ****
> > His discovery is that, with enough chutzpah, one can convince****
> > a number of people that an electric tea kettle is a new kind****
> > of nuclear reactor.”****
> ** **
> ... to which I immediately reflect on my own past transgressions. I find
> myself saying: Big frigg'n deal! Who hasn't read about Rossi prior run-ins
> with the law. If I were to define myself... no... IF I WERE TO CONTINUE TO
> JUDGE MYSELF based on my own past transgressions, I probably would have put
> myself six foot under decades ago. Fortunately for me, the fates seemed to
> have conspired against my best laid intentions. ;-)****
> ** **
> Meanwhile, Jed recently posted an interesting observation concerning his
> own observations of Krivit's perceptions.****
> ** **
> ** **
> > Rossi has many outstanding qualities, and many faults too,****
> > but he does not have a single one of the qualities ascribed****
> > to him by Krivit or Heckert.****
> ** **
> To that I would add: It would probably be wise to assemble a careful
> assessment of one's own personal qualities, both the good and bad ones
> prior assembling the assessed qualities of others. It would also be wise to
> first recognize and face one's own personal demons head on. Failing to do
> so typically results in projecting them onto the faces and actions of
> others. And that invariably tends to cause one to become terrified of the
> projected actions of others. …Strange how all those exorcised demons now
> seem to want to come back to repossess them, as if they are out to get them.
> ****
> ** **
> If we MUST go about the business of assessing Rossi, I suggest we judge
> the merits of Rossi's current abilities, (or the lack of them), and not
> Rossi's past transgressions. Under the circumstances, one of best ways of
> ascertaining the merits of Rossi's current abilities would be to follow the
> money trail. Go find out who purchased Rossi's 1 MW eCat. Ask Defkalion
> what they think of Rossi's abilities. Ask them, do THEY think Rossi is a
> scam artist, or whether his eCats, however flawed they might be, are the
> real deal. After all, these are the individuals... They are THE businesses
> that will likely end up forking over a lot money to Rossi. As such, I think
> they have every right to express an educated opinion on the matter,
> precisely because they would have performed extensive due-diligence. We
> might also want to ask University of Bologna - presumably after the check
> clears, and they have an eCat in their lab.****
> ** **
> In lieu of such evidence, for now I'm willing to give the highly
> intuitive, mercurial, illogical, contradictory, emotional, hot-headed, and
> formally convicted (in the eyes of the law) Rossi a little slack. I wish
> others would too. I wish Krivit could too. ****
> ** **
> Actually, I wish Krivit would give himself a little slack. I think it was
> exceedingly unwise of Krivit to have embarked on remaking his public image
> into that of a prophet on the matter of predicting the future of Rossi's
> fate. I suspect Krivit perceives such an action as a strategic maneuver on
> his part, to hopefully increase his perceived sense of credibility in the
> eyes of the public, that is when his personal assessment of Rossi's grand
> scam manifests and comes out of the closet. It's a dangerous
> winner-take-all gamble.****
> ** **
> I suspect trying to establishing oneself as a profit in such a manner is
> not all what it's cracked up to be – ESPECIALLY if Krivit should be so
> lucky to win the gamble and subsequently takes Rossi down. The point being:
> Winning such a gamble will inevitably cause Krivit to set himself up again
> for another winner-take-all gamble. Krivit will go after someone else,
> again and again. Krivit will have to set himself up over and over... in
> order to continue to prove to himself that he still has what it takes to
> bring down all the evil demons lurking in the external world.****
> ** **
> Sooner or later…****
> ** **
> ** **
> Regards,****
> Steven Vincent Johnson****

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