>I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER said that he is a great businessman!!! Why do people 
>keep putting these absurd statements into my mouth? I said the opposite many 

Okay, you wrote that he was an “experienced businessman”. Change nothing in 
yours and mines sentences.

From: Jed Rothwell 
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 1:39 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: A real customer would not have accepted the 1MW plant.

Mattia Rizzi <mattia.ri...@gmail.com> wrote:

  Maybe filing a *true* patent request, instead of one that is bullshit. 

I suspect he is not capable of doing that.

  Contact DoD/DoE (Rossi did it and they refused to finance) . . .

The DoD and DoE cannot "finance" something like this. DARPA might help but 
Rossi says he will not work with the military. The DoE can only issue grants to 
established laboratories and corporations.

  or well know American corporation like General Electric, instead of unknow 
start-up companies based on fiscal paradies (like Defkalion).

I doubt that GE would talk to someone with a claim as wild as this.

  Then he sell his secrets for 2M$ USD.

I don't think he meant to sell the secrets.

  And Jed, the same guy that said that Rossi is a great bsuiness man . . .

I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER said that he is a great businessman!!! Why do people keep 
putting these absurd statements into my mouth? I said the opposite many times.

He is facing a difficult situation. Everyone in cold fusion is, since the U.S. 
Patent Office will not look at a cold fusion claim.

- Jed

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