Yes I have read that. But first I plan to try to duplicate the 1998 Focardi cell as closely as I can. I have emailed Focardi and asked for the dimensions of the cell and construction material and informed him I plan to replicate. I'm just a power system engineer and not a physicists, so I do hope he replies. If not I'll guess at the rod dimensions, see what I can get that is close and work from there.

After that I will try fine / nano Ni powder baked at 500 deg C in a hard vacuum as Rossi and other have suggested, that is if I can find someone to do that as my workshop / lab can't do that kind of high temperature processing.

Any suggestions for a source of nano Ni powder?

On 11/8/2011 4:34 PM, Robert Leguillon wrote:
Rossi's largest contribution to improving on the Piantelli-Focardi work, may 
have been his suggestion at using nano-nickel. The increased surface area, and 
available crystalline lattice has been garnering a lot of attention. Variations 
in particle size and, possibly more importantly, surface typography may come 
into play.
Even when it comes to Pd cathodes, in other LENR experiments, surface 
preparation seems a key variable in successful replication.
Just something to think about

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