I think its unlikely that semiconductors are inside.
At the september demo the temperature was 120° and if 3 cores are in opereation 
I would expect more.
A single case of overheating would damage the system and Rossi claims a maximum 
temp of abaout 450°.
Also all these gamma and possibly neutron bursts that have been observed could 
degrade the semiconductors. 

----- Original Nachricht ----
Von:     Aussie Guy E-Cat <aussieguy.e...@gmail.com>
An:      vortex-l@eskimo.com
Datum:   10.11.2011 05:38
Betreff: [Vo]:Inside the inner box

> I have been thinking about what should be inside the inner box as the 
> heat transfer from the reactor core to the fluid is no longer done 
> inside the door knob like reactor.
> Rossi says there are 3 cores inside each module and that is all he says. 
> I would suggest he may have encased all the cores inside a solid lead 
> slab like structure with a thermal interface compound applied to the top 
> and bottom surfaces so as to thermally transfer the heat into the upper 
> and assumed lower fin assemblies. What we see with the bolts is the 
> upper surface of the heat exchanger assembly and likely an identical 
> assembly (why make it different) on the bottom. The lead slab with the 
> embedded cores is then sandwiched inside and between the heat exchanger 
> fin assemblies. I also suggest as he said the 1 MW demo was only running 
> on 1 core per module, he has a was to activate and deactivate the 
> internal cores as desired. This adds additional weight to my belief that 
> the "RF Wires" are actually multi core shielded cable or if not he maybe 
> running a power line comms system that delivers both power and 2 way 
> data to the 3 cores. Easy to do today, especially if he has a micro 
> inside to assist the core control and do data logging that can be later 
> accessed for analysis.
> Having a solid lead slab structure would aid modular maintenance and 
> module fuel replacement as all the the maintenance guys would need do is 
> replace the lead slab with the 3 embedded reactor cores, which would 
> then be returned to Rossi for replacement of the fuel.
>  From the weight of the E-Cat module, there is more inside the boxes 
> than just 3 door knob reactors, a bit of piping, fins, walls and a few 
> nuts and bolts.

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