My interpretation of his motive is that even with his secret discovery the 
underlying mechanism still remains a mystery. This is reflected in his journal 
of physics which gathers ideas and comments from around the world and also his 
arrangement with the University of Bologna, He seems a man who is desperate for 
answers. He wants to leverage his engineering head start into a winner take all 
scenario by using his profits to purchase the answers he still needs to garner 
a patent. His progress is putting unbelievable pressure on all the other 
researchers to stake their claims. Recent gains by Miley and Piantelli make it 
clear this race isn't over 

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Heckert [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 2:03 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:"Win the Nobel" strategy

Am 10.11.2011 17:43, schrieb Jeff Sutton:
> Oh I think he craves attention and recognition.  Thus his web site and 
> the time he spends answering questions....or at least responding to them. 
You can see from his answers, he does not crave for recognition of 
others. His answers are absolutely authoritative and he has no need to 
answer it is only pure generousity why he does this, dedicating his 
invaluable time to answer all these naive questions.

>  (And I hope this works out and he gets a nobel prize, attention, 
> money and tennis.  I guess I am an optimist but verify :)
I dont think he is dependant from prices given from corrupt mainstream 
He is more the type who would make his own Rossi foundation and give a 
Rossi-Price to other LENR researchers, he can now do this.

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