I wrote:

Something had to be coming out of the reactor the entire time. It had to be
> coming out at a flow rate large enough to deliver lots of heat to those
> thermocouples.

We also know from Lewan's log that he measured the flow rate at the time
when the flow rate was lowest. He measured 0.9 ml/s. It had to be higher
for the entire rest of the run.

We know this because it was delivering the lowest amount of heat to the
thermocouples at that time. He just happened to measure it when the power
was down to around 3 kW nominally, which was the lowest it got during the
self-sustaining event.

However badly placed the thermocouples were, they reflected the actual
temperature in a linear fashion. They had to; the temperature of the fluid
coming into the heat exchanger hardly varied. It was ~103°C, plus or minus
a tad. A fixed bias will not produce random variations. When the outlet
thermocouple temperature rose, that definitely meant the temperature rose;
the only thing disputed is how much it actually rose. There is no doubt it
was a the lowest point right when Lewan measured 0.9 ml/s.

Since the temperature was stable at ~103°C, that means pressure did not
vary much. Steam from boiling water does not get any hotter at one pressure
setting. As the power goes up you get more coming out of the reactor. The
flow rate increases. That's the only way the cooling loop output
thermocouple could get hotter. So the flow was greater than 0.9 ml/s the
whole time. I suppose it was ~8 ml/s on average, as Rossi claimed.

- Jed

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