I have a print-out of Steorn's report dated Oct. 31, 2008. At the moment I
can't locate the pdf file, but I downloaded it from their website two or
three years ago, and the name Mr. Rice does not appear in this report. The
title is _Asymmetry and Energy in Magnetic Systems_.  It includes ten
diagrams and five graphs and describes four experimental configurations:

1) symmetric and linear MH
2) asymmetric and linear MH
3) symmetric and non-linear MH
4) asymmetric and non-lnear MH

Only the last configuration showed an anomaly.  Dr. Quack Pot's analsysis
seems to discount the symmetric/asymmetric parameters since they aren't
mentioned in your summary.


On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 3:09 AM, <jwin...@cyllene.uwa.edu.au> wrote:

>  On 11/12/2011 11:50 AM, Harry Veeder wrote:
> I think Steorn stumbled upon a real anomally but they erred in assuming
> that measurement alone was sufficient to demonstrate the reality of energy
> creation.
> Since there seems to still be some belief around here that "Steorn
> stumbled upon a real anomaly", I feel that I should point out some recent
> postings that may have gone unnoticed.
> Also since Mary Yugo has just joined us (and very welcome you are Mary,
> with your sharp mind and tongue to match), who took a lot of interest in
> the Steorn affair in the early days - I am sure she will appreciate this
> information, if not already aware of it.
> About a month ago Steorn released four apparently significant supporting
> documents to Stirling's news service (www.pesn.com) which were reported
> on 
> here<http://pesn.com/2011/09/14/9501914_Steorn_Drops_Four_Bombshell_Documents_Validating_Orbo/>.
> PESN was not allowed to post the actual documents or reveal the authors
> names, but it turned out that one of the documents (a pretty important one
> it seems describing measurement of the "Steorn Effect" in detail) was found
> to be available on Steorn's website 
> here<http://www.steorn.com/orbo/papers/jm-rice-report-28april-2008.pdf>!
> Anyway sometime later someone calling themselves "Dr Quack Pot" picked up
> on this paper and wrote some comments on the results reported in it (see
> comments after the PESN article) which make pretty revealing reading!  To
> save people having to chase the links and read through the discussions,
> here is a summary of the facts as I understand them.
> The available document is a Consultant Engineer's (John Rice) report
> describing energy balance measurements made on an Orbo mechanism while it
> was displaying the "anomaly".  In each case the torque is measured as a
> function of angular position, in some cases using a step, stop and measure
> method, and in other cases the torque is sampled during continuous rotation.
> One of the measurements (chart 5 orange curve) shows the torque resulting
> from the interaction between a fixed (stator) permanent magnet and a soft
> ferrite core rotated on an armature (rotor) in its vicinity.  Since we know
> that this interaction is always attractive, this allows the sign of the
> torque to be determined.  Another measurement (chart 4259 red curve) shows
> the torque between the same fixed magnet stator but with a permanent magnet
> on the rotor.  The sign of this curve indicates that that the force between
> the permanent magnets was primarily repelling.  A third measurement (chart
> 4259 blue curve) then shows the result of having the soft ferrite and the
> permanent magnet stuck together and rotated together on the armature.
> The energy balance in each case is obtained by subtracting frictional and
> gravitational effects (measured during calibration runs), and then
> integrating the remaining magnetic interaction torque over a complete
> revolution - which of course gives net energy gained or lost per revolution
> (see chart 4260).  In a linear system one would expect that
> (PM<>ferrite effect) + (PM<>PM effect) = (PM<>(PM+ferrite) effect)
> But this is not what is measured!  Using the first measurement as a null
> calibration, the energy balance from the second measurement is very good,
> while the energy balance from the third shows a highly significant (~1 mJ
> per rev) discrepancy.
> So there we have it - the "Steorn Anomaly"!
> But the million dollar question is of course, was it an energy gain or an
> energy loss!  What was the *sign* of the discrepancy.  With some simple
> logic and knowing the sign of the torque, it is very easy to determine that
> what was measured was an energy *loss*!!!  "Orbo technology" is a method
> of turning mechanical energy into heat using magnetic interactions!  WOW!
> So here you have at last the key to understanding the amazing puzzle of
> the Steorn $75k "challenge", the SPDC excitement and discussions, the
> scientific jury, the "Steorn 300" engineering companies, the SKDB
> investors, etc, etc, etc!  An amazingly long lived buzz of discussion and
> activity and money changing hands, all resulting from a simple sign error
> that seems to have only very recently been noticed!  (Of course Steorn must
> have made the error way back before their challenge of 2006, and then
> induced John Rice to repeat and document the same error in 2008).
> I am guessing that this Rice report might have been made available to the
> SPDC (under NDA, maybe someone could confirm or deny that?), almost
> certainly to the Jury, and more recently to the engineering companies and
> SKDB, and finally after no more gain was to be had from it, it was (maybe a
> month or so ago) released to the public.  How is it possible that out of
> all the investigators provided with this report, not one bothered to check
> the sign of the well documented anomaly.  That is now the biggest puzzle!
> Someone should update Wikipedia to reflect this additional information!

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