From: Jed


> This document is unprofessional. The photographs should have captions,

> like the ones in the Scientific American or a trade magazine. A

> caption should tell the reader what this is, and what the significance

> of it is. Like so:


> An XXXX reactor (nn cm x nn cm x nn cm). On the left is a canister of

> blah, on the right is blah, blah. This reactor has been run n times,

> producing maximum power of n kW, and nn MJ of energy. Photo credit:

> so-and-so (or Defkalion Corp.)


The PDF document struck me primarily as a tantalizing preview of things that
will soon be coming out of the R&D labs of DGT. (At least that is the
implication.) I agree with Jed in the sense that it certainly would have
been more to our liking to have had better detailed captions underneath each
photo. However, I would speculate that to have given a more detailed
description might have compromised DGT's current objective - which appears
to be to remain silent about all the fascinating fiiddl'de'bits untill they
are ready to actually present their Dog and Pony show to the world. It would
appear that DGT plans to get such a highly anticipated show on the road in a
couple of weeks. Soon.


I think DGT is simply trying to let everyone know that Rossi isn't the only
kid on the block who is working on this exotic technology. I bet someone on
the BoD may have said something to the effect of: "Hey! We gotta do
something now! Rossi is in danger of stealing our thunder! least let
everyone know that we're about to roll out a few prototypes/products of our


What I personally took from the photos was the -IMPRESSION- that DGT appears
to have better equipment at their disposal than what Rossi seems to have. I
don't know if my impression is correct or not however. If that was the
implication or objective, it implies that DGT by default must be creating
better and/or more reliable products. The document was essentially saying:
In two weeks we'll show you something you can really sink your teeth into...
just wait!


We shall see.



Steven Vincent Johnson


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