The discussion on the Swedish Radio issue has concentrated on the "scam" elements.

Krivit : Swedish Public Radio Turns Spotlight on Lewan and Ny Teknik
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Source: Radio Sweden
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Google translate -- I highly recommend using the Chrome Broswer + Google translate

The idea that one day we will be able to provide us with cheap, simple and green energy is an eternal dream. Now say two Italians that they have found a solution, they have developed the ultimate perpetual motion machine. It's just that no one may look at it. And no basis can test if it really works.
Science Journalists are skeptical and really make a lot of warning bells. For example, the main character has a fake degree from Kensington University, and the findings have not been published in a scientific journal but only on Rossi's own page.
Almost all media for that reason chose not to address this alleged invention any more attention.But there is one exception. New Technology in Sweden has in the past year written over 20 articles on Andrea Rossi's stunning gizmo - and now accused the newspaper to advertise a scam.
I responded in defense of Mats :

Thanks, Mr Lewan and NyTeknik
Please forgive my English : attempting to answer in Swedish would be more insulting.

Mr Fredriksson says (via google translate) "Not even the simple knowledge that energy can neither be produced or consumed first law of thermodynamics seems to have taken hold of the editorial staff and definitely not with Lewan."

The eCat is presumed to be a Cold Fusion device. Has Mr Fredriksson heard of Einstein and his famous equation e = mc2 ? Cold Fusion is most likely real --- see for numerous successful experiments -- and is being actively investigated by NASA : see

Of course Mr Rossi won't let anyone look inside the eCat : until he has world-wide patents he must protect it as a trade secret. But he has invited several teams of scientists to conduct calorimetric tests to measure the excess energy, using their own instruments. In particular, Lewan brought his own calibrated thermometers. (Should a motoring journalist not accept a test drive in a Volvo, and bring his own stopwatch?).

Lewan has reported accurately on his observations, with few comments of his own. This is in NO way "in support of a scam".

I congratulate Lewan and NyTeknik on their coverage.
and was challenged on the blog (and -- politely and reasonably -- by Steve Krivit in email)

SV:Thanks, Mr Lewan and NyTeknik
Re Alan Fletcher: "But he HAS invited several teams of scientists to conduct calorimetric tests to Measure the excess energy, Using Their own instruments." May I dispute this sentence by Mr. Fletcher. There has never been any calorimetry done by an outside independent scientist auditing Rossi's work and certainly not with their own equipment. Lewan is not a scientist affiliated with any university and a few temperature readings does not constitute a calorimetry test as Mr. Fletcher knows well. Mr. Rossi had made several invitations to renown scientists prior to Oct. 2011 and Mr. Rossi also promised that calorimetry will be done independently by them, but of course that did not happen. Now Mr. Rossi has said after the Oct. 28 test that no more tests will be conducted because he is in the process of commercializing his invention and has done so by selling of his 1MW plant to an unnamed putative buyer.
LENR Learner,
2011-11-13 03:54
I haven't answered that yet --- but I've prepared a table of Experiments/Attendees and Instruments
which IMHO substantially supports my comment.

Comments, clarifications  and corrections are appreciated.

NOTE : to avoid massive cut-and-pastes, I'll repost this paragraph as soon as I get it back via vortex.

ps  Krivit has chosen not to reprint Lewan's comments. Google-translated :

Re: Most embarrassing prestige, Lewan!
Roger, I'll probably ask you to read on a bit. It produces no energy. If the unit does release the energy that seems to come from a yet unknown type of nuclear reaction, then, of course, by a corresponding reduction in the total mass. No breach of thermodynamics first movement, in other words.
Probemet discussed is to obtain sufficient evidence that it really freed net energy.
Whether that is theoretically explained or not does not matter.
What is important when the Wright brothers flew was not like it could be explained aerodynamically or not, but that they actually flew.
That it might require new physics to explain how Rossi's machine works, we put up with if it really works.
Mats Lewan,
2011-11-13 03:03

Re: Misses the point
I can also post comments in a different way of seeing things that I raised in the interview, but that did not fit into the story. One of the major problems in the one story is that it's been a great lack of data and information. The only way I could remedy it is to make observations and measurements and also to report on them, not only in article form, but also in the form of technical reports.
From a journalistic standpoint, I would equate this with other journalistic observations to take pictures , listening, interviewing, etc., and then compile the observed / documented.The only difference is that in this case I used the instrument in place of such camera, which may not be as common among journalists.
A little extra complexity, it has been since I also expected to use the usual tools - pencil, paper, camera and tape recorder - to document in the traditional sense. Overall, I would like to say that I think the Media highlighted a very interesting issue about science journalism and I look forward to a follow-up in a few months.

( -- analyzing the Rossi/Focardi eCat  -- Hi, google!)

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