Am 17.11.2011 18:30, schrieb Joshua Cude:

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 11:16 AM, Peter Heckert < <>> wrote:

    No no. Schneiders Company is a successful long time runner in this

    He says the energy comes out of space and electronspin.

    Schneider's  company is currently building a prototype for
    Professor Turturs magnetic Zeropoint energy converter. [...]

    He has also succesfully promoted water driven cars and HHO technology.
    A very reliable and succesful long-time partner for Rossi.
    He is a leading prominent  member of the SVR (swiss assoziation
    for vacuum energy), so he has many exclusive contacts.
    His company is not a one-dayfly, but a longrunner, making wins and
    paying taxes.

I assume you're making a joke, because these things seem to contradict each other, unless by "successful long time runner in this business", you mean in the scamming business. Because if he has successfully promoted cars that *really* run on water, it would not remain a German secret for long.
You dont know the DVR (German Association for Vacuumenergy) There are so many professors and doctors and engineers. Some emeritus, some still active. Can all these be in error? They all say it works and make money.

Unfortunately Schneider at least had two times the misfortune, that the inventors made big management and business errors and where jailed. Its new technology and sometimes it goes wrong, who cannot understand this. Everybody knows that free energy is politically surpressed. Many know this and support him. He himself is not touched from this and succeeds, possibly he is always acting as consultant and man in the middle and makes his money indirectly by stockexchanges and consultation fees. Also he is in switzerland wich has very different laws and good banking secrecy.
But, honestly, I dont know how it really works.

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