Yes. The restriction on ad hominems only applies to skeptics. 
A Rossi-believer can call you ignorant, blind, lacking in a seventh grade 
education, unable to understand elementary science, "pseudo-skeptic", 
"pathological skeptic", an agent of big oil, LENR-denier,  even accuse you of 
intentionally spreading disinformation. 
If you call them on it, they'll just get more personal. I recall entire threads 
dedicated to insulting Cude. 
But, to be fair, the sheer volume of your posts makes you a more likely target. 
Furthermore, anytime that you compare LENR to unicorn flatulence, no matter the 
intention, you will draw fire.

There are a few skeptics on this list that have provided damning evidence 
against Rossi's demonstrations, but the tact with which they presented it has 
kept them relatively unscathed.

The trick is knowing when to "agree to disagree".

Mary Yugo <> wrote:

>On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:
>I put a smiley there to alert people like Mary, who seldom carefully read
>> the posts of others before spouting out a new dose of ignorance ...
>My understanding was that ad hominems are frowned upon and precluded from
>this email list.  Does that only apply to skeptics?

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