On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 2:27 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> James Bowery wrote:
>  With one hand MIT was trashing Fleischmann and Pons and with the other
>> hand they were simultaneously bolting out of the gate running a
>> scatter-shot patent mill for Hagelstein.
> Well, seriously, MIT is a large organization with many different people
> who have different points of view. A university is nothing like a
> corporation or the White House, with one person in charge and one set of
> policies.
But the claim is that those beneficiaries of government largess at the MIT
have been able to squelch cold fusion research on the entire planet. They
are the reason it hasn't borne fruit. Now you're saying they can't control
their own institution. That kind of takes the wind of the cold fusion's
favorite excuse.

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