Mary Yugo wrote:

Yup.  He could stop the whole negative press mess in a heartbeat with
one simple, cheap, comparatively quick and easy to perform test that
would not involve his equipment and methods.

Since he is not a fool, I am sure he knows that. He has known it for years. He has never said to me outright, "I do not want people to believe this, since I have no patent" but I suppose that must be his business strategy. Patterson _did_ have a patent yet he said that. Many inventors & researchers in cold fusion and other fields have said that. They want negative press and opposition, because they have the development money they need and they have enough customers. They want to keep competing scientists from getting funded by ensuring the press will be full of attacks. They want to keep big corporations from getting interested.

It is a shame, but there is nothing anyone can do to sway him. He is a stubborn guy. That's why he succeeded. You have to take the good with the bad in people.

- Jed

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