On 2011-11-23 19:51, Mary Yugo wrote:
Does anyone still believe that after all the equivocations Rossi is
going to produce an E-cat for independent testing anywhere?  If so,
when?  To whom?  Anyone think he's going to produce a credible
customer with some results?  Same question: when?

Regarding the UoB, this might partially answer your question:


An excerpt translated in English for you:

Our interest is very strong - states Paolo Capiluppi, director of the [Physics Department 
of the University of Bologna] - We are very curious but to us it's truth only what we can 
measure". To make the contract active, the payment of the first instalment of the 
500000 euro Rossi committed to fund to sustain all costs, is needed. "We should 
start briefly, within a few weeks - confides Enrico Campari, professor of experimental 
physics and scientific person in charge of the research with Giuseppe Levi -, by [next] 
summer we could have the first scientific reports of the obtained results, which we will 
disclose in scientific journals.

So, in a few weeks of time, it seems.


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