Am 25.11.2011 21:01, schrieb Peter Gluck:
The degree of correlation of Rossi's problems with the law and the
efficiency of the E-cats is an open question.
The definition from this writing can be applied
However this idea of intelligence can be used but also abused.
I have a certainty- Piantelli's system works, therefore Rossi's CAN
work too.
There are others that replicated the experiments and got no certainty.
Piantellis experiments, so far I know them, are so complicated, it is
not possible to get certainty from simply looking at them. So, what is
the reason for this certainty?
Even if he is your friend, this doesnt exclude, that he has made errors.
Rossi, despite what he says, has borrowed Piantelli's "know what" and
in part "know how" elements.Not "know why" and no "know why not"
elements. Has made many empirical tests with additives and, it is
possible he has found some method of enhancement.
Believe an old engineer, it is not possible to do the show of Rossi
without a drop of real excess heat.
Of course this can be done. I know how, but I have not enough shameles
coolness to do it.
Remember Keely. He did it very very long time and when he died they
found hidden pressured air pipes and vacuum pipes in his devices.