Dr Jones, as Rossi would say, NO!

Frank Z

-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sat, Nov 26, 2011 12:03 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:got permission to send

Hey Frank,
Please don’t get mewrong. I wish you all the success possible, and I will not 
be negative towardsyour hypothesis in any way– if and when if it can be shown 
to work predicatively.Maybe that is too much to ask. 
However, the last “100years” does cover a lot of prime territory in scientific 
advancement, includingrelativity, QM, string theory, electro-gravity, etc. Are 
you certain you arenot being a little too generous in this self-appraisal, 
given the paucity ofvalidation ?
In fact, I wish that yoursimple formula did work in a way that was “not 
retrospective” and notiffy (with fudge factors many orders of magnitude) and 
not coincidental –and most of all: had demonstrable predictive power, since it 
would help with somany things. 
BTW – to fill us inon the last few years which have pushed you over the top, 
apparently - have youbeen able to predict anything previously unknown, based on 
the megahertz-meter theory? You mentioned in an earlier post that you had been 
doing lab work recently –do you have real data that shows how this knowledge 
has guided you to achieve fabulousresults ?
If so, please elaborate.That kind of thing would change opinions, and put us 
kibitzers in their proper grovelingplaces at the feet of the great master. 
Geeze … if we could somehow mergeyou and Rossi into one mega-genius, wow, just 
think of the possibilities?
Any Vorts who want a copyof my article in Science and Society winter addition. 

Write to me I will sendpdf.


I know Jones will comedown on me for saying this, however, it is one of the 

works in 100 years.


Frank Znidarsic


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