On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the 15 or some odd years, I have never seen anyone use this word
> on this forum.  If English is not your first language, you might
> understand that this in inappropriate for this forum.  I invite you
> to seek a more appropriate phrase:

English is not my first language.  I'm sorry that I offended the
Victorian virtue police.  I understand that there might be a desire to
keep the discussions on this list formal so I'll avoid such words
from now.

> After all, sir, there are ladies present.  I have copied the list
> owner so that this might be brought to his attention.

However I don't see why being a lady would make someone more or less
susceptible to be offended by the f-word.

Actually, some women will find your statement offensive - are ladies
precious flowers unable to speak up for themselves and that should be
protected from vulgar language?

PS.  How about a ban on ad hominem attacks and unsusbtantiated
accusations or insinuations of scam or incompetence?
Berke Durak

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