I would agree. I believe 2012 will see the start of the LENR worldwide patent wars that will rage on for years and years. Injunctions will be sought against all who are claimed to be patent violators. The LENR business worldwide just might grind to a halt under the weight of the patent wars and legal moves to stop others gaining a commercial high ground. It will not be nice. I would suggest that as is claimed to have happened in the AGW debate, big fossil fuel suppliers just might help those who wish to pay this game. If the world's energy demands could be met by just 300k tons of Nickel every year (based on first generation E-Cat fuel to energy delivery), well that will sure have an effect on the price and demand for oil, coal, gas, uranium, wind, solar, tidal, wave, etc energy generators and on their fuel suppliers.


On 11/28/2011 1:41 PM, fznidar...@aol.com wrote:
This a submarine patent if I ever saw it. I put the vibration of nano-particles in the public domain years ago with my lectures and posts


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