It would be nice to become free of the electric power company, but I am afraid 
that the word soon is relative.  If you mean 25 years as soon, maybe so.  What 
are we to do with all that copper strung across the country?  I wonder if 
copper can be used as an active ingredient of an LENR system.  So much change 
in so little time - it makes your head spin!


-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Wed, Nov 30, 2011 2:58 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:eCat/Hyperion output level control

Alan J Fletcher wrote:
>> You do not have to worry about wasting heat. It costs nothing. On the 
> other hand it would be annoying to have to leave the cooling fans on. 
> It would be noisy and it would cause wear and tear.

 At COP=6 I think you DO have to worry. COP=20, no.
I am sure the COP can be set anywhere you like. It is just a matter of 
ngineering. The Hyperion brochure on p. 18 shows it varying from 25 to 
5 for the small unit (11 kW out, 200 W in), and up to 145 for the 
arger unit.
It is not an issue. It never has been. Since 1990 I think it has been 
lear that cold fusion can have any ratio you like, once you learn how 
o control it. Swartz talked about optimizing output and so did some 
thers but most researchers I know have said "once we learn to control 
t, we can make the ratio will be as high as you like, or infinite (with 
ero input)." I think Rossi's results show they were right.
I assume that a unit used for space heating only would have something 
ike a thermoelectric device and a storage battery to keep itself going, 
r to wake itself up. So there would be no waste of external AC power. 
erhaps early models will depend upon AC power. Soon there will be no 
uch thing as AC, and no power company.
- Jed

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