On Dec 2, 2011, at 5:28 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:


http://www.livescience.com/17207-ufos-disrupting-search-god- particle.html


Even more UFO events, and resulting beam dumps, happened at a point in
the beam just past objects called injector kicker magnets (MKIs),
suggesting that these magnets are a major source of the mystery
objects. The large impact of these UFOs implied that they were being
accelerated toward the proton beam by the magnets, which could only
happen if the UFO particles were charged.


An unexpected greater mystery?  Serendipidous Science!


I have a wild idea. It could be black holes. One of the most profound predictions of gravimagnetic theory is that virtual photons carry no gravitational charge. They have zero gravitational mass. Therefore, black holes will accumulate magnetic fields corresponding to the sum of the magnetic moments they consume. This could be useful for using black holes as power supplies, in that they can be contained by an actively controlled magnetic containment field.

It would be natural for black holes to accumulate in the vicinity of magnets. The biggest hole in this explanation of the UFOs is the distance of the of the MKI's and beam origin from the target area. If they are accumulating at such large distances, then the number of black holes being generated would have to be huge. Further, their evaporation rate would have to be slow to non-existent for such an accumulation to take place.

One of the most intimidating deductions from my gravimagnetic theory was the prediction, mandated by symmetry, that black holes continually increase in mass by separating mass charge pairs from vacuum fluctuations. This process conflicts with the Hawking Radiation theory, because the Hawking radiation theory does not take into account the existence of negative gravitational mass charge. Further, there is no Swartzchild radius for negative gravitational charge matter. A matter pair of with opposed gravitational charge can be separated anywhere within the black hole, with the negative gravitational charge half being accelerated out of the black hole at enormous energies. The interior of a black holes is likely a very energetic place, having a large particle and photon flux, even if no matter is accreting. This is due to mass manufacturing from the vacuum. Charged pairs which are fully separated in the mix, and thus have gravitational charge, are likely to recombine before the negative mass particle can escape. However, due to their real mass they will generate real photons upon annihilation. If either or both of the annihilation photons has a negative mass charge, then it will have a high probability of being quickly expelled from the black hole due to low probability to react with other identical escaping photons. If the photon interacts with charged particles on the way then it can split off into 3 photons, two of which have negative gravitational mass, or create additional negative gravitational mass real particle pairs from their extreme energies. A black hole with even near Planck mass might not evaporate as predicted by Hawking, but might actually continue to grow, while emitting massive amounts of negative gravitational mass matter, which I called "cosmic matter" in my paper:


The nature of the matter so created depends on symmetry issues discussed here:


By the gravimagnetic theory, cosmic matter is possibly, or even just largely, mirror matter. Therefore the negative gravitational mass issuing forth from ordinary mass black holes would have a very low coupling factor with ordinary matter, and essentially be invisible. This goes for both the real matter and real photons produced from the black hole. The black holes themselves would have a high degree of interaction with ordinary matter in the vicinity though, via their incredibly strong and continually growing B fields.

If these things are true, then the tiny black holes that escape the local magnets, especially when they are powered down, will eventually head for the center of the earth. It will soon be all over here if the shutdowns are due to itinerant black holes, and the evaporation rate does not exceed the negative mass charge generation rate for small black holes.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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