Here is a comment from Lewan Mats about this topic:

Hi Mary and Ahsoka,

Saw your discussion about power cords on Vortex. You can rule them out.

I made my own connection cord which I put in series, both at the main power
supply and between the blue control box and the resistor in the Ecat.

The connection cord was a standard 2 phase + ground, with the three single
wires uncovered to be able to use the clamps ampere meter. I measured the
current through all three wires regularly.

Another scam suggestion is having a hidden rectifier and using whole wave
rectified current, which would then be measured as lower than it really was
by a clamps ampere meter in AC position. The idea would be to use this at a
moment when you pretend to decrease the input current, but in reality you

To rule that out I measured both current and tension in both AC and DC
position, regularly throughout the experiment.

To put it short – there’s no cheating at the input.

Feel free to share this on Vortex.


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