Without appropriate certification you cannot get equipment insured.
 Installing uncertified equipment anywhere exposes the company
manufacturing, marketing, installing or owning the equipment up to all
sorts of potentially devastating legal repercussions in the event of an
accident or failure or unknown side-effect of any sort.  Penalties would
include both financial and criminal liability in case of accidents, even if
the failure was totally unrelated to the LENR side of things, as
most jurisdictions have various engineering certifications written into
their laws.  Manufacturing or selling the equipment in the US without
appropriate certification would be commercially suicidal.  At best Rossi
might be OK manufacturing in Mexico or Asia and selling into the 1st world
(like sporting equipment manufacturers do) - but even then the end
users/owners and installers would be vulnerable.

At a bare minimum you would need to comply with the ASME Boiler and
pressure vessel code for design, construction and testing of all of the
pressure vessels involved, perhaps up to and including the nuclear related
sections of the code.  But at the point where the Government acknowledges
that LENR it is real and working then every competing industry will be
lobbying for bans, more study and greater regulation and
any existing LENR products will overnight be made illegal due to the
unknown nuclear processes at work.  That situation will last until they
have been closely examined, tested and any potentially deleterious effects
are known - at which point the secret is out anyway.

This is yet another reason why Rossi's commercial strategy is bound to
fail.  He might manage to sell one or two to unwise customers (in reality
only to people intent on reverse engineering his breakthrough), but as soon
as it is proved to work he is dead in the water in terms of 1st world sales
for at least a year (probably much more given all of the vested interests
trying to protect the status quo) and his ownership through secrecy will
not survive that certification process.

On 10 December 2011 20:01, Robert Leguillon <robert.leguil...@hotmail.com>wrote:

> I'm quite curious about Mary's claim. I've only had a couple of business
> law classes in my years, and I would be curious:
> Is there really any law requiring registration of Chemically Assisted Low
> Energy Nuclear Reactions? If there is no measurable radiation, no
> possession or disposal of controlled substances, how could it be illegal
> (currently)?  I contend that the action cannot be prohibited without being
> acknowledged.
> I'd love to get comments from anyone with a legal background.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 11:54:43 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:E-Cat production in the US has begun
> From: maryyu...@gmail.com
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Steven Johnson <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
> From MY
> If Rossi is producing nuclear fusion reactors in the US, how was this
> authorized without an opportunity for public comment?
> Strikes me as an odd comment from MY, the staunch skeptic.
> Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.
> I don't understand the comment.  To be plain, I don't believe Rossi is
> making nuclear fusion reactors in the US simply because he says so.  That
> he says he is has about the same predictive value, IMHO, as if he didn't
> say anything.

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