Some news about engineering atomic interactions, which ties in with my
contention that nuclear and electron interactions can be achieved at much
lower energies if one knows what frequencies and harmonic relationships are


Atoms dressed with light show new interactions, could reveal way to observe
enigmatic particle


"Our technique is a fundamentally new method for engineering interactions,
and we expect this work will stimulate new directions of research and be of
broad interest within the physics community, experimental and theoretical,"
said Spielman. "We are modifying the very character of the interactions, and
not just the strength, by light alone."


NOTE the statement, 

      “We are modifying the very character of the interactions…”


To continue the excerpt:


The JQI team, including Nobel Laureate William Phillips, is truly
international, with scientists originating in the United Kingdom (lead
author Ross Williams), Canada (Lindsay LeBlanc), Mexico (Karina
Jiménez-García), and the US (Matthew Beeler, Abigail Perry, William Phillips
and Ian Spielman). 


The researchers now will switch from observing bosonic atoms (with a total
spin value of 1) to fermion atoms (those with a half-integral spin).
Combining the boson techniques demonstrated here with ultracold fermions
offers considerable promise for creating systems which are predicted to
support the mysterious Majorana fermions. Lead author and JQI postdoctoral
fellow Ross Williams says that BECs aren't essential: "While it's true we
collided two BECs in the current experiment, this was not necessary to
demonstrate the modified interactions. In an ideal thought experiment the
experiment could have been done with just two particles, repeated many


"Synthetic partial waves in ultracold atomic collisions" by R. A. Williams,
L. J. LeBlanc, K. Jiménez-García, M. C. Beeler, A. R. Perry, W. D. Phillips,
I. B. Spielman, Science Express, 8 December 2011.





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