On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 3:41 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Also, if the water was in the mythical state discussed here in which it is
> 90% liquid and 10% vapor, the liquid portion would definitely fall into the
> bucket. The only way it could not have reached the bucket would be if it
> was vapor, as far as I know.

An ultrasonic mister puts liquid water into the air without producing
vapor. (The droplets evaporate later, and this will happen more quickly if
they are already at 100C.)

> Notice it was not sparging when the camera first looked at the steam pipe
> in the bucket. The steam was escaping and the condensate flowing down into
> the bucket. After that Lewan put the hose under the water but a lot of
> steam still escaped.

The problem was that it was not enough to account for 1 L/s of escaping dry

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