See excerpt at end of message for more evidence for what I've been thinking
of for 30 years, and harping on here for the last year or more. J


Point of interest:

The nanoclusters only formed when a specific amount of heat was present.
which means that that specific amount of heat caused some kind of long-lived
localized coherence or resonance.  Makes no difference if you add more heat,
or remove heat, either would destroy the resonant conditions and the
nanoclusters and colossal magnetoresistance to die away.



Haven't forgotten your 1st question. I've just been too busy to take time
out to finish my response.  I will get to it.





Colossal magnetoresistance occurs when nanoclusters form at specific


"As we cooled samples from room temperature to about 250 Kelvin (-23 degrees
Celsius), we found that colossal magnetoresistance emerged as nanoclusters
formed and became most dense," Jing explained. "We saw the nanoclusters form
and connect a path in the crystal, and the whole material became


"These nanoclusters were thought to only act as insulators with different
magnetic properties", Jing added. This work shows that these properties are
temperature dependent. In the presence of a magnetic field and at the proper
temperature, the nanoclusters become conductive and ferromagnetic to allow
colossal magnetoresistance to occur.



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