>From Randy Wuller:


> ... I also don't care if the name given to the process is
> particularly accurate from a scientific standpoint,
> you guys can call it whatever you want once you figure it out.

Many on this list have argued this very issue. So have I. Before I was
asked to resign, while I was still a BoD member on Krivit's New Energy
Time's (NET) publication I asked Steve Krivit why is NET making such a
big deal out of knocking the word "cold fusion" out of the ball park.
I noticed that Krivt seemed strongly inclined to replace the "cold
fusion" word with another word, "nuclear reaction" - as if the term
"nuclear reaction" explained everything more succinctly. The only
problem is: nobody really knows what's going on. ...not yet.

Whether this is true or not, Krivit's attempt to destroy the "cold
fusion" word helped brand him as a Widom Larsen cheer leader advocate.
I think it has also left many observers with the distinct impression
that certain corners of the "CF" field have a bone to pick. Much of
the pickings seem to be blatant product placement. Accept no
imitations other than our own brand.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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