Mary Yugo <> wrote:

> So these people support your views about the impossibility of storing
> enough heat during the warmup period in the large "Ottoman" E-cat of
> October 6 to account for the results?

It would be more correct to say I support their views, or we arrived at the
same conclusion.

Do they believe Rossi has accomplished cold fusion/LENR with his device?

Other than Talbot Chubb every researcher I have discussed this with
believes most of the claims. Not all to the same extent. There are shades
of belief. It is not an all or nothing.

The pople who are most convinced are those who observed the tests in
person, such as Celani.

> How do they explain the anemic and deficient tests that Rossi insists on
> doing instead of the proper and appropriate tests you, Josephson, Celani,
> and many many others have suggested to him?

See McKubre's recent talk:

As I said here, I agree with his characterization of Rossi and Rossi's
business strategy. To reiterate, McKubre began by calling Rossi a
"dodgy character" but technically brilliant. He discusses Rossi's business
plans. He says "Rossi is the master of misdirection." His business strategy
is also brilliant. He is keeping his results ambiguous to "avoid
competition and the evil eye of the DoE."

We have no proof of that, but it seems likely.

I am not sure I agree the business strategy is brilliant. But given his IP
problems, it is hard to come up with a better strategy.

- Jed

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