On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 8:07 PM, Jouni Valkonen <jounivalko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 14 December 2011 21:24, Zell, Chris <chrisz...@wetmtv.com> wrote:
>> How much government spending goes to the richest 1%?  Very little, I
>> think.
> This is the very problem of current socialist policy. However, if we use 99%
> of collected tax revenues to support purchasing power of middle class, that
> is we have basic income economic system. Then the most of the tax what rich
> are paying will return to the rich. That is because exactly 100 percent of
> the rich people's income is payed from the purchasing power of the middle
> class. Therefore we should practice economic policy that maximizes the
> purchasing power of middle class.
> With proper economic policy we can greatly expand the middle class. This
> means huge increase of salary for the Walmart capitalists. Because it is
> obvious, that no other than middle class does pay their salary. Poor people
> are, although numerous but still lousy customers.
> You just need to understand, that in basic income economy, almost all tax
> revenues are returned for the rich people! And also you must understand
> that, basic income will also abolish government as useless, because in basic
> income economy there are only three social classes. Middle class, rich
> people, and super rich people. We have no need for welfare state or free
> education and medicare, because everyone has plenty of money to pay for
> their basic needs.
> What they had in Star Trek, they had basic income economy. That is beyond
> socialism and capitalism. Because basic income economy is the only proper
> way to practice free market economy. Because market economy is based on
> purchasing power of median consumer and basic income economy
> will maximize the median purchasing power of median consumer.


FRANCE: Three Presidential Candidates to propose Basic Income

The idea of basic income seeps slowly into the French political scene.
Following former prime minister Dominique De Villepin’s announcement
that he will propose a citizen income to the next presidential
elections, two others candidates are preparing their own proposals.

Christine Boutin still favors basic income
 Last week, Christine Boutin, president of the Christian Democratic
Party, renewed her support for a basic income, in the move of her
campaign towards the next presidential elections in 2012. She said at
a meeting that she supported a “basic income” for all the French from
birth to replace “the hundreds of benefits to which no one understands
anything”. She claims a basic income at 400 Euros for every adult
while 200 Euros would be given to children. “This is not a sacrament
for idleness or a poverty trap, but an asset to escape poverty,” she
added. Back in 2006, Christine Boutin was the first major political
figure to propose a “universal dividend.” Very inspired by Yolland
Bresson’s work, she even filed a bill at the French National Assembly
(which was never debated in the end).

“Key measure” of the Green Party
 More encouraging news is coming to us that Europe Ecologie – Les
Verts (Former Green Party) is currently working on its own proposal
for a basic income. According to internal sources from the Party, this
will be a “key measure” of their election campaign. Eva Joly, the
leader of the party who will be running the election, yet made
allusions that she favors a “subsistence income”, and the basic income
was already in their political platform in the last elections back in
2007 and 2009. But some doubts remained among observers, still waiting
for a concrete proposal in view of the next election.

Villepin under fire
 Meanwhile, Villepin’s proposal has been highly criticized by his
opponent, arguing that the measure was “demagogic” or “unrealistic”.
Even some of his own supporters were destabilized by the idea and left
his movement. Other French basic income supporters heavily criticized
the nature of the proposal. Indeed, while he suggests a high-valued
citizen income of 850 Euros a month, this grant could not be drawn
concurrently with other income. But Villepin keeps the line. On his
blog he answers critics from President Sarkozy, arguing that “This so
called ‘thing’ is no magic nor demagogy, this is simply citizenship.”

Stanislas Jourdan – BI News


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