The applicability of deflation fusion concepts to fusion, especially Ni plus hydrogen fusion were discussed here:

The probability of the deflated electron state is increased as electron flux through or very near a hydrogen nucleus is increased. This kind of electron flux can be induced on an absorbed hydrogen via various mechanisms, such as directly applied currents, flux of conduction band electrons through partial orbitals, surface currents, EM induced conduction ring currents, such as that provided by a benzene ring, or magnetic vortices in magnetic materials. The deflated state of heavy nucleus components can be induced by dense electron flux, but the above methods can not conveniently do this. Creation of a heavy nucleus deflated state, and thus the increase of its nuclear magnetic moment by orders of magnitude, is important to nuclear reactions involving heavy nuclei without nuclear magnetic moments, such as various Ni nuclei.

The primary way to induce large electron flux through a heavy nucleus is to displace it from its atomic center of charge. The electron flux then involved is that of the heavy atom itself, consisting primarily of the innermost and thus most energetic of its electrons. This displacement can be induced by imposition of EM fields, and other means of orbital stressing, such as raising temperature or increasing lattice stress by loading and then thermal cycling. The methods, value and potential uses of orbital stressing to place nuclei into a strong electron flux were discussed in this 1997 article:

As discussed in this article, lattice nuclei are confined in linked electron cages. Since the nuclei are 1000 times heavier than the electrons, the electron cages are, for the most part, going to move around the nuclei as a single lattice unit. The nucleons will not be involved in most of the motion. Thus the amount of mass involved in actual motion is small, three orders of magnitude less than the entire lattice mass, which is good for creating higher speed action. The hard part, it seems, is keeping the lattice electron motion uniform throughout the sample, thus avoiding heat loss. Coherent, or nearly coherent motion of the electron cages can slowly induce periodic motion of the nuclei.

The electron cages of nanoparticles are small. They are thus more subject to coherent motion when stimulated electro-magnetically than large lattices. Brief moments of electromagnetic stimulation can create coherent cage motion, followed by increased nucleus motions and thus degeneration of the coherent cage motion into coordinated opposed nuclear motions, and then the randomization into heat. Throughout the process, the nuclei are dislocated from their centers of charge, and thus exposed to higher than normal through-nucleus electron flux. The initial coordinated electron cage motion should be most easily generated in nano-particles. Their small size permits small and thus energetic EM wavelengths to be effective. Isolating metal nanoparticles in dielectric pore arrays should provide a means to coordinate the stimulation via localized resonances. Conveniently, such coordinated electron cage motion also increases the population of the deflated state of hydrogen simultaneously.

Electrical isolation of conducting nanoparticles in dielectric arrays permits large displacements of nuclei within the nanoparticles via use of large electrostatic fields. The use of nanoparticles permits a large surface to volume exposure, and thus a large voltage differential across a volume of interest. A surface effect is thereby converted into a volume effect, at least to some depth. The addition of the AC stimulation then is additive to this electrostatic field stress.

The discussed methods of orbital stressing should be useful in improving fusion rates in any lattice with absorbed hydrogen.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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