Wow. Yes, indeed, this should be read. Whatever the intent of the nonsensically broad claims, it did not work out very well! The PTO examiner, John Richardson, did a great job on the rejection. He cites Pons, Miley, etc.

Unfortunately, I could only download a page at a time. The server was also overloaded periodically.

I uploaded to:

and I will leave it there briefly for those who want to see it.

On Dec 28, 2011, at 6:51 PM, Jay Caplan wrote:

This was abandoned in 2004 after a non-final rejection by USPTO 1/21/2004.

Click Public PAIR link on

Choose "Application Number" and insert 09/514,202

Choose "Image File Wrapper" tab when this application opens, then the
correspondence and actions can be read.

I couldn't copy from the Non-Final Rejection, but it should be read

----- Original Message -----
From: "Horace Heffner" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A Curious 2003 Cold Fusion Patent Application

Say, if CF breaks as conventional, and this patent is issued, maybe
this is intended to provide an excuse for the patent office to reject
all subsequent cold fusion patent application claims based on
infringement of prior art, until this patent is successfully challenged.

On Dec 28, 2011, at 11:11 AM, wrote:

Pardon if this is old news on Vortex, but I was surprised to find this
2003 USPTO patent application --

"Cold nuclear fusion under non-equilibrium conditions
United States Patent Application 20030112916   Kind Code: A1

Keeney, Franklin W. (US)
Jones, Steven E. (US)
Johnson, Alben C. (US)

A method of producing cold nuclear fusion and a method of preparing a
fusion-promoting material for producing cold nuclear fusion are
The method of producing fusion includes selecting a fusion-promoting
material, hydriding the fusion-promoting material with a source of
isotopic hydrogen, and establishing a non-equilibrium condition in the fusion-promoting material. The method of producing fusion may include
cleaning the fusion-promoting material. The method of producing
fusion may
also include heat-treating the fusion-promoting material. The
method of
preparing a fusion-promoting material for producing fusion includes
selecting a fusion-promoting material and hydriding the fusion-
material with a source of isotopic hydrogen. The method of preparing a
fusion-promoting material for producing fusion may include cleaning
fusion-promoting material. The method of preparing a fusion- promoting
material for producing fusion may also include heat-treating the
fusion-promoting material."

-- which includes Steven E. Jones as an inventor. Further down is --


[0001] 1. Field of the Invention

[0002] The present invention relates to fusion energy. More
the present invention relates to a method for producing cold nuclear
fusion and a method for preparing a fusion-promoting material for
producing cold nuclear fusion.

[0003] 2. Description of the Related Art

[0004] Mankind employs many energy sources. Oil, coal, natural gas,
(hydroelectric), and nuclear fission number among the most
prominent of
these sources. However, most of these sources exists in a limited
produces a relatively small quantity of energy per unit of the given
source, or raises environmental concerns. Thus, because earth's
and energy needs continue to climb dramatically, researchers
continue to
seek more plentiful, efficient, and environmentally-friendly energy

[0005] These needs have led researchers to consider nuclear fusion,
process that powers the sun. First, the raw materials for nuclear
abound on our planet. For example, deuterium is plentiful in seawater.
Second, fusion of atomic particles and/or light nuclei produces more
energy for a given amount of material than virtually any other known
energy source. Finally, nuclear fusion holds strong promise as an
environmentally-safe process. For these reasons, and based on major
technological advances in the latter half of the twentieth century,
knowledgeable individuals now anticipate that nuclear fusion may
provide a
long-term answer to mankind's energy needs."

--- The patent application seems to cover quite a wide range of

Unless this is a different Steven Jones, did he become a believer
after the 1989 CF-brouhaha?

Any insights?
Lou Pagnucco

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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