Notice this was all resolved using calculations and computers.
Now we need not worry making materials that do not conform to physical law. ;-)


On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
<> wrote:
> FYI: just a heads-up for the theorists in the group…
> -Mark
> Collaboration Resolves Century-Long Debate Over How to Describe
> Electromagnetic Momentum Density in Matter
> December 28, 2011
> Researchers from the NIST Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology and
> the University of British Columbia have shown that the interaction between a
> light pulse and a light-absorbing object, including the momentum transfer
> and resulting movement of the object, can be calculated for any positive
> index of refraction using a few, well-established physical principles
> combined with a new model for mass transfer from light to matter.*  This
> work creates a foundation for understanding light absorption in
> metamaterials, artificially tailored materials of intense interest in
> nanophotonics and microwave engineering that can have negative indices of
> refraction, and have potential applications in high resolution imaging,
> lithography, optical sensing, high gain antennas, and stealth radar
> coatings.
> Light carries momentum and can transfer momentum to matter via radiation
> pressure. However, for the past century, there has been an ongoing debate
> over the correct form of the electromagnetic momentum density in matter.  In
> the “Minkowski formulation,” the momentum density is proportional to the
> index of refraction; in direct contrast, the “Abraham formulation” finds it
> to be inversely proportional.  While light is known to carry mass, a
> detailed model for mass transfer from light to a medium that absorbs light
> had not been formulated to date.  The researchers propose a set of
> postulates for light-matter interaction that encompass: a) the Maxwell
> equations, which govern classical electromagnetic behavior; b) a generalized
> Lorentz force law, which describes the force felt by matter in the presence
> of an electromagnetic field; c) a model for electromagnetic mass density
> transfer to an absorbing medium; and d) the Abraham formulation of momentum
> density.  Using both closed-form calculations and numerical simulations of
> the interaction between an electromagnetic pulse and a test slab, the
> researchers demonstrated that their postulates yield results that are
> consistent with conservation of energy, mass, momentum, and center-of-mass
> velocity at all times. They further showed that satisfaction of the last two
> conservation laws unambiguously identifies the Abraham form as the true form
> of momentum density in a positive-index medium.  In addition to the
> theoretical significance of these results and the implications for
> metamaterials, the results will enable more accurate modeling of
> light-matter interaction at the nanoscale and open new routes to optical
> control of nano-mechanical systems incorporating light absorbing materials.

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