Extremely large extinction efficiency and field enhancement in terahertz
resonant dipole nanoantennas

Razzari, et.al.


>From the abstract:

.". demonstrating a metal nanostructure in shape of a dipole nanoantenna, 

 which can efficiently resonate at terahertz frequencies, showing an

 cross section >100 times larger than its geometrical area, and a field 

 enhancement factor of ~280, confined on a lateral section of ~λ/1,000."


More comments later.



From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint [mailto:zeropo...@charter.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 1:27 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:Nickel nanoantennas... its all about resonances.


More evidence that we are dealing with oscillations and need to look at
whether there are any harmonic relationships within the H-loaded Ni lattice,
plasmons, deflated H, inverse Rydbergs, magnetic effects, etc.


Note the statement, ".a strong magnetic behavior", and that "the
oscillations are aligned along the polarization direction of the incident
light".  These are the kinds of unusual coherences that one never encounters
in bulk matter, thus, all existing theoretical foundations have not had to
incorporate them.   Since these highly unusual coherences are not taken into
consideration, theorists have concluded that the effects from these unusual
arrangements are "not possible".  It could very well be that current
theoretical models wouldn't even be able to accurately model these unusual


Caption from the cover:

"The cover shows the near-field amplitude image of dipolar plasmon modes in
nickel nanodisks. Each disk exhibits two bright spots oscillating along the
polarization direction of the incident light, revealing the enhanced
near-field at the rims of the nickel disks. The image was recorded by a
scattering-type scanning near-field microscope (s-SNOM) within a study of
the optical and magnetic properties of nickel nanostructures. An interesting
dual functionality is observed: a strong magnetic behavior is identified
together with a clear plasmonic response, which could be a useful building
block for future biotechnological and optoelectronic applications, where
active control of the functional components is required. For more
information, please read the Full Paper "Plasmonic Nickel Nanoantennas" by
R. Hillenbrand and co-workers"


-Mark Iverson


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