On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint <
zeropo...@charter.net> wrote:

> MaryYugo states with such confidence,****
> “And while they were technically hands on, all the tests used Rossi's
> gear and his questionable methods so they were not independent.  Failure to
> state that is either dismal incompetence or deliberate bias.”****
> ** **
> Note the statement, “ALL OF THE TESTS USED ROSSI’S GEAR”…****
> ** **
> At least for the first public demo in Jan 2011, some of the scientists
> from UofB brought their own instruments to make measurements; and Mats
> Lewan brought some test instruments.  So your statement is not factually
> accurate… spreading misinformation, Mary?  Applying the same judgement as
> you, are you dismally incompetent or deliberately biased?

All the essential parts of the method for measuring power input and
enthalpy were provided entirely by Rossi.   It's true that some
thermometers and in a few instances AC power meters were provided by the
visitors.  Those devices were a trivial part of the methodology.  Nobody
could reasonably suggest that Rossi would have cheated with those
measurements.  It would have been too high risk.

But the erroneous method of evaporation of water was used for those
demonstrations to measure enthalpy.   In later experiments, even more of
the gear, including the heat exchanger and thermocouple placement was all
Rossi's.  In Rossi's final "megawatt" experiment, none of the invited
guests and reporters saw any of the data being collected.   It was so
suspicious that AP's reporter never even published a report!

The point that needs to be made is that Rossi's E-cat has NEVER been
properly and independently tested.  You seem to object to my mentioning
that repeatedly but you have no problem with endless repetition of Rossi's
absurd claims such that he will be offering a million E-cats by next fall.
Or that he now has a COP of 50.  One can claim any COP one wants.  The
issue is never the claim -- it's the evidence and the proof.

All sorts of nonsense about lack of patent protection is endlessly repeated
as rationalization for bizarre statements and actions from Rossi and
Defkalion.  You don't seem to object to endless repetition of those.  The
reality is that Rossi's invention would be highly patentable if he would
submit a proper application revealing how it works.  Such an application
would be enforceable in court and would also protect Rossi (or Defkalion)
from the date of filing.

More nonsense is being repeated about the need for Rossi to create
ambivalence until he can mass produce the devices.  But there is no
evidence he ever will be able to do so.  There is no evidence he or
Defkalion have ever applied for any certification or permits.  If Rossi
wanted to keep a low profile, he would never have given public
demonstrations -- they would all have been private.  Focardi's ill health
has been advanced as a rationalization for the demos.  But far as we know,
his health is fine.  He's been present at more than TEN demos.  And he
could have been present at private demos as well.  So Focardi's age and
condition is also irrelevant.

It seems to me you revel in reading about the positive and optimistic
aspects of this ongoing farce and you vociferously object when someone
points out capably that it's far from a done deal.

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